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CLI Guide

The Enclosed Command-Line Interface (CLI) allows you to create and manage secure notes directly from your terminal. This guide will walk you through installing the CLI, creating and viewing notes, and configuring the CLI for different use cases.


You can install the Enclosed CLI globally using npm, yarn, or pnpm.

Using npm

npm install -g @enclosed/cli

Using yarn

yarn global add @enclosed/cli

Using pnpm

pnpm add -g @enclosed/cli

Once installed, you can use the enclosed command in your terminal.

Creating a Note

The primary function of the Enclosed CLI is to create secure notes. You can create a note with a simple command.

Basic Usage

To create a note with the content "Hello, World!", run:

enclosed create "Hello, World!"

This command will return a URL that you can share with the intended recipient.

Using stdin

You can also create a note from the contents of a file or the output of another command:

cat file.txt | enclosed create --stdin
# or
cat file.txt | enclosed create -s

This is useful for sending longer text or data generated by other commands.

Adding Attachments

You can attach files to a note by providing the --file option:

enclosed create --file file1.txt --file file2.txt "Hello, World!"

With Full Options

The CLI allows you to set additional security options such as password protection, self-destruction after reading, and time-to-live (TTL) for the note:

enclosed create --deleteAfterReading --password "mypassword" --ttl 3600 "This is a secure message."

Options Summary

  • --deleteAfterReading: Enable self-destruction after the note is read.
  • --password <password>: Protect the note with a password.
  • --ttl <seconds>: Set the time-to-live (TTL) for the note in seconds.

Viewing a Note

The Enclosed CLI can also be used to view notes directly from the terminal.

Basic Usage

To view a note, use the view command followed by the note's URL:

enclosed view <note-url>

If the note is password-protected, the CLI will prompt you for the password.

Providing the Password Directly

You can provide the password directly with the --password option to avoid the prompt:

enclosed view --password "mypassword" <note-url>

Configuring the Enclosed Instance

By default, the CLI uses the public instance at If you are running your own instance of Enclosed, you can configure the CLI to use your server.

Set the Instance URL

To set your instance URL, run:

enclosed config set instance-url

This command will configure the CLI to use your instance for creating and viewing notes.

Updating the CLI

To update the Enclosed CLI to the latest version, simply re-run the installation command:

Using npm

npm install -g @enclosed/cli

Using yarn

yarn global add @enclosed/cli

Using pnpm

pnpm add -g @enclosed/cli

This will ensure that you have the latest features and security updates.

Uninstalling the CLI

If you need to remove the Enclosed CLI, you can uninstall it with the following commands:

Using npm

npm uninstall -g @enclosed/cli

Using yarn

yarn global remove @enclosed/cli

Using pnpm

pnpm remove -g @enclosed/cli

Advanced Usage

For more advanced usage, you can refer to the CLI's help command, which provides detailed information on all available commands and options:

enclosed --help

This will display the complete list of commands and options available in the Enclosed CLI.

Next Steps

Now that you're familiar with the basic and advanced features of the Enclosed CLI, you can start integrating it into your workflows. Whether you're automating note creation or managing secure communication from the terminal, the Enclosed CLI is a powerful tool for ensuring your messages remain private and secure.